Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finally a reason to blog!

After reading andsubscribing to countless blogs I came to the realization that everyone else in the world had something to blog about but me. But then came my hunka hunk, Elijah James... Bam! I suddenly have a million things to write about!

So here goes...

So many times while I was pregnant I dreamed about what this little dude was going to look like. Never could I have imagined he would be this cute and lovable... he is more awake now and is making eye contact. i am so excited for him to laugh and coo and get to every milestone the baby books talk about, but another part of me is trying to soak everything in... his tiny hands and feet, his out of control double chin, the billy goat type noise he makes if you bug him while he is eating, and the way he cries just because he needs his mama to hold him... i love my little bug...


Heather Fretz said...

Yay! Welcome to the blogging world! I am excited to read all of your adventures in mommyhood!

Jodie said...

I blog too! :) It'll be fun to keep up with you this way!